Monday, September 28, 2009

Back to my old faves-with some changes in taste

So last night we had to go see Mein Kampf for my "Berlin in and as Lit" class. It's written by George Tabori, and yes, co-stars Hitler. It's a very, very strange play. I read it in English last week and prepared a presentation on it (that I never gave, don't ask me why my teacher wanted me to do that if we weren't even going to discuss the play), which was very helpful. Obviously, the performance was in German. It was produced by the Berliner Ensemble, a very prominent theatre company. I'll be seeing another show with them in a couple weeks (Shakespeare's Sonnette) and am looking forward to it. Mein Kampf was very into realism. Scenes that could involve nudity-full nudity. The pet chicken, Mitzi, was a real chicken. She literally wandered around the stage from her entrance in (I think) the 2nd act until she was turned into dinner. Thankfully it wasn't the same chicken then, but it was another real chicken! That realism I couldn't handle-as they started-literally-hacking up the dead chicken I stopped watching. Despite my vegetarian squeamishness, I really enjoyed the show. I thought it was brilliantly performed and well worth the student price of 7 Euros (and more).
Today I had German-we finalllllly finished reading Die Weisse Rose. Whew. Not my fave book. Even better, my Marx, Nietzsche, and Freud class was cancelled. I like that class, but any extra free time I love. Even if it is finally cold out and so I did not enjoy wandering around as I would have if it had been a nice day :(
I'm on a jazz kick right now. I really need some more-all I have is Jamie Cullum and Frank Sinatra. Not even very much of either. If anyone wants to email me some tracks, I would be eternally grateful...I'm sure my roommate will get tired of hearing the same 3 CDs over and over.
For some reason I'm also craving great choral music. I listened to the Carmina Burana for the first time in quite a while and just enjoyed it so much. I think that not being in a choir right now is intensifying my need to at least hear the kind of music I'd like to be singing.
"So tell me why should it be true/That I get a kick out of you" -Jamie and Frank!

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